The Brighton School

Whole - Child Approach

Our whole child approach encourages students to engage their head for critical analysis, their heart for emotional reflection, and their hands for practical application of what they have learned.


Brighton’s Whole Child approach is about educating the heart and the hands as well as the head, enabling children to believe in themselves, to know and say out loud what excites them, challenges them, and scares them. It means championing empathy and compassion. Our children come to school with so many needs. We must meet them where they are, give them a say, and listen to their voices. We must encourage flexible thinking and emotional intelligence.


We believe every child is unique, gifted, and deserving of the opportunity to reach his or her fullest potential. We are committed to education that excites students and teachers alike, because both must be engaged for real learning to take place. We question whether multiple choice tests can measure how our children are progressing both as students and as human beings. We envision every child equally encouraged to create, write, communicate, collaborate, think, organize, draw, and paint.


At Brighton we understand that students’ education and life outcomes are dependent upon their access to safe and welcoming learning environments and rich learning experiences in and out of school, where closer relationships and deeper learning experiences take children farther.


Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.

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Strong Teacher – Student Partnership

A solid, collaborative, open & trust infused partnership is at the core of our unique teaching styles.
At Brighton, we believe in and nurture independent thinking and actions by allowing our learners to freely express their thoughts and opinions, with multiple opportunities to listen, reflect and respond. We guide and support each student every step of the way in developing their critical and creative thinking skills, perseverance, independence and confidence. Our learners play an important role in developing classroom routines. Our objective is to establish an open channel of
communication between teacher and student, to encourage the exchange of multiple perspectives and feedback both ways.

Individualized Learning
At Brighton the progressive emergent curriculum factors in that each learner is unique and prior knowledge and interactions vary. We strongly believe that one size does not fit all. A mutual understanding is crucial for two individuals to work together to achieve a common goal, therefore we spend time interacting, listening and talking to students about their strengths and weaknesses, likes & dislikes, interests, needs, capabilities, personal beliefs, cultural backgrounds and values. This leads to an in-depth understanding of each individual child. We realize that every child gained from being exposed to various backgrounds and educational experiences, and therefore it is crucial to connect their prior knowledge to new experiences. This is first assessed before individual learning goals are set.
Unique Learning Experiences
We believe that creativity is intelligence having fun. With play being the primary driver for learning and inquiry in the early years, our teachers give students the freedom to express themselves by exploring and discovering. Our teachers create stimulating learning environments and out-of-the box activities relating to the lines of inquiry. Throughout all grades, learners are exposed to learning on the go where intensive research is encouraged, enabling them to think on their feet, inquire and reflect on the thought process. Our creative teaching methods challenge students in the higher grades to apply what they learn to the real-world. Experimenting, growing, taking risks, making mistakes and having fun are all a part of the Cambridge international way of learning.


Travel & Tourism


Environmental Sciences

Artificial Intelligence

Media Literacy

Promoting Global Perspectives
Our objective at Brighton is to produce life-long learners who have a deep love for and understanding of global cultures. Our diverse student population encourages students to learn about various cultures and the differences from their own. We inspire the appreciation of these cultures by integrating global issues into activities and providing possible solutions. Students are urged to respect all mother tongues, backgrounds, cultures & ethnicity. We mandate that our learners learn a second language which helps promotes global perspective. On an overall level, our programs are shaped around creating a better and more peaceful world, by sensitizing students to the world around them.
Our Digital Learning Technologies
Digital Learning at Brighton will be irresistibly engaging for students and teachers across all learning areas and domains. Our students will become innovative and confident users of digital technologies, using technology to communicate, collaborate, curate and create, while fostering higher order thinking skills and real-life problem solving.
At Brighton we understand that the ability to understand and use technology is no longer an optional skill. It is already a fundamental necessity. For the younger generation, computers and digital technology are their natural environment. Over 92% of jobs need digital skills and computer literacy. It has become as vital as reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Computer literacy extends far beyond being able to surf the internet or play video games. It includes understanding the operation of a computer and even early programming skills.
This breadth of knowledge opens possibilities for creativity, collaboration, and exploration. It’s like equipping children with a passport to the world. This is where educational computers for kids serve as a versatile tool. It helps shape their learning experiences.